What is more fun than an enormous, creepy-crawly-cute ladybug? This pacifier clip is perfect for either baby girls or boys, and knits up in only a few hours. Although the skills involved are pretty basic, it does take a good eye to put this fuzzy insect together, so keep in mind this is an intermediate-level project.

Because this is a yarn stash-busting project, you can use any of those small balls of leftover yarn to make it. You could even make a purple ladybug on an orange stem.

This pattern is free for personal use, but I do request that you not make these to sell. Please let me know if you have any questions or find any errors in this pattern. I really look forward to seeing some feedback!

Size: 6.5 inch pacifier clip. If you want it longer, knit the I-cord on the stem longer. Gauge is not very important in this project.


  • Small amounts of yarn in red, green, black and cream. Red should be sock or dk weight, green, black and cream work better with worsted weight yarn.
  • One suspender clip, ¾ in. size. These are available from http://www.etsy.com/shop/PacifierClipSupplies
  • 1 small (1 cm. – ¼ in.) green button


  • Set of three double-pointed needles, US Size 3
  • Yarn needle
  • Scissors
Make Stem:

Cast on 4 stitches with green.

Row 1-2: knit

Row 3: k3, pass 2nd stitch over 3rd, k1, pass 2nd stitch over 4th. 2 stitches remain with a hole of two stitches.

Row 4: k1, m2, k1. You have just formed the button hole!

Knit even until piece measures 2 inches.

Next row: k1, k2tog, k1. 3 stitches remain. Do not turn. Work across these three stitches to form I-cord.

Knit I-cord for 9 inches.

Increase to attach pacifier clip: k1, (m1, k1) 2 times. 5 stitches.

If yarn is very lightweight, work one more row k1, m1, k3, m1, k1. 7 stitches.

Cut yarn, leaving tail of 6 inches. Thread tail through yarn needle and securely sew live stitches to the clip using a figure-eight motion. Tie off in back of clip, and pull remaining yarn up through the stem to hide the tail.

Make Ladybug:

Cast on 6 stitches in red, divide onto two needles. Join to work in the round.

Row 1: On each needle, k1, (m1, k1)x2. 10 stitches total.

Row 2 and all even rows: knit

Row 3: On each needle, k1, (m1, k1)x4. 18 stitches total.

Row 5: On each needle, k2, m1, k3, m1, k2, m1, k2. 24 stitches total

Rows 6-12: knit

Row 13: On each needle (k2, k2 tog)x3

Row 14: knit

Row 15: On each needle (k1, k2tog)x3. Cut red yarn

Loosely wind spare yarn (red or black) around two fingers approx 15 times to create stuffing for ladybug. Cut yarn and stuff body.

Row 16: With black, knit all 12 stitches.

Row 17: On each needle, k1, ssk, k2tog, k1

Row 18: knit

Row 19: On each needle, ssk, k2tog

Cut yarn with ~36 in long tail and graft stitches together with kitchener stitch.


Prod ladybug body into rounded shell on top with flatter ventral (under) side.

Draw long tail from grafting stitches into the ladybug head, come out in middle back of bug. Form a straight line down to the end of the shell.

Spots: Embroider spots with French knots, following pattern of ladybugs. I made a 13-spotted ladybug in the sequence of 2:4:4:3, but you can make any pattern you’d like.

Antennae: Draw yarn out to left front of head and back around 1 stitch to create a loop. Hand-chain 5 stitches tightly to create antennae, loop yarn three times through last loop and pull tightly. With needle, thread tail down through chained stitches and back into head. Repeat on the right front side of head.

Legs: Make six legs in the same manner as antennae. Front legs are placed right at the join between red and black, chaining 7 stitches long. Middle legs are 9 stitches long. Back legs are 12 stitches long, and point to the back instead of front.

Face: With white, embroider pattern on thorax (black part of body), following photos.


With the stem, form a loop and position ladybug on loop. Sew tips of legs to the stem, the two front right legs to the loop, the back left leg to the bottom of the stem, and the top left leg to the top of the stem if needed. The key with positioning the ladybug is to make sure you don’t twist the stem. Hold the pacifier clip up to check that the clip hangs straight. Sew the stem down to the middle of the body of the ladybug.

Attach button to the back side of the garter-stitch portion of the clip. Button clip around pacifier, and you’re finished! Clip to your favorite baby and let them go!