Sorry for the absence from the blog these past few months. Since having a second baby back in August I've been struggling to find the right balance between keeping house well, serving others, and selling my fiber arts, all the while loving my husband and daughters. It's a difficult balance and this blog is low on my list of priorities. That said, I'm pretty excited to have a couple new things to post here! I've been very busy with special orders, but in between those I managed to weave a pretty cool new belt for my husband.
There is a traditional Turkish pattern that is very popular in card weaving called "Ram's Horn." It is really cool, because it features two colors spiraling around each other, which is a kind of tricky thing to pull off. It requires weaving with two packs of cards, sometimes turning them in the same direction and sometimes in opposite directions. My first attempt at weaving this pattern didn't go so well:
Frustrated, I set the loom aside and asked for help on a Ravelry forum. One lady very kindly gave me the contact information of a friend who is a tablet weaving instructor. Through an e-mail correspondence, the instructor helped me figure out what I was doing wrong. It took several tries and many hours, but I finally got the pattern to turn out right. I tiredly raised my fists and cheered. Quietly. Because it was nap time.
I am ordering some new belt buckles and tips, so soon I should be able to offer these for custom order. This belt is made with linen yarn, which makes it extremely strong but a little fuzzy. For a smoother look, I could make it in cotton yarn. Suggested Retail: $20.
This is lovely, I've had a few attempts at it myself, all unsuccessful so far, but this has inspired me to give it another go
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